Why using lasers for cleaning moulds?
If you want to clean a mould, two things are crucial: what type is your contaminant( organic, inorganic, or oxide), and what is the base material? You usually don't want to damage the surface or change the material properties. Laser cleaning is, in fact a balancing act between evaporating the contaminant and not changing the base material of your mold. Many Chinese suppliers don't know the difference and will offer you cutting or marking lasers. These so-called CW (continuous wave) lasers are mass-produced Chinese products with no aim of solving your mould problem. A pulsed laser system is needed to have complete thermal surface control without damage. You don't need 2000 watts to clean a mould. 100 watts can be enough with the right system. It becomes more difficult if you have a unique polished or chrome-coated surface. P- lasers build unique systems with the right laser source and optical components to preserve your mould. Trust our 35-year experience.